Cerámica Wiki

español: Pitcher f. (plural Pitchers)
  1. Es la cerámica que se ha roto en el transcurso del proceso de fabricación. El material que está solo bizcochado, es molido nuevamente y se vuelve a usar en la misma factoría como chamota. Piedra partida.
  2. Jarra, Aguamanil, También puede traducirse como una jarra, jarro para servir, generalmente de forma abierta.

  1. Pitchers (ceramic material), scrap ceramic material that has been broken, or otherwise rejected, in the course of manufacture. Pitchers are pottery that has been broken in the course of manufacture. Biscuit pitchers are crushed, ground and re-used, either at a low percentage addition to the virgin raw materials on the same factory or elsewhere. The crushed material is also used in other industries as an inert filler. Because of the adhering glaze, glazed pitchers find less use. The milled pitchers may be used as grog.
  2. Pitcher (container), a container for fluids
  3. Archaeologists call ancient pitchers sherds, or ostracons