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Chinese white ware and Iraqi earthenware bowls 9th 10th century both found in Iraq

Chinese porcelain white ware bowl (left) found in Iran, and Iraqi tin-glazed earthenware bowl (right) found in Iraq, both 9-10th century, an example of Chinese influences on Islamic pottery. British Museum.

Un esmalte de estaño, es un proceso de producción, consiste en aplicar sobre la arcilla roja, un baño de esmalte plúmbico o alcalino, y como opacificante el estaño, que le confiere el aspecto blanco, brillante y opaco.

Esta técnica aparece sobre el S. IX en Mesopotamia los fragmentos más antiguos aparecen en las excavaciones del palacio de Samarra [1].

The earliest Middle Eastern tin glazes used calcium, lead and sodium compounds as fluxes in combination with the silica in sand. Piccolpasso recorded several glazes used in Italy in the 1550s, all variations of lead, tin, lime, soda and potash glazes. It is believed early Spanish glazes were similar.[2] Una aproximación moderna propuesta por Alan Caiger-Smith:[3] podría ser la siguiente:


Books-aj.svg aj ashton 01f Referencias[]

  1. Caiger-Smith, 1973, p.23
  2. Caiger-Smith, 1973, p.207
  3. Caiger-Smith, 1973, p224