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español: Refractarios realizados a partir de moldes por vertido.
English: Castable refractory.[1]

Se citan las siguientes fórmulas:

Castable mix

Dick Leach from Albion College in Michigan developed a number of castable mixtures that worked very well- he had some that lasted for 20 years or so. A recipie that he used and called "excellent" was as follows:

C/10 firing range(salt too) castable


Mix to "snowball" consistency; ram it up. 4" thick walls.

I have searched through the archives for advice on castable refractory and its suitabilty for a catenary arch kiln. I have a basic recipe

Sawdust 1.5

Vermiculite 1.0

Grog 2.0

Fire Clay 2.0

Portland Cement 1.0

Alumina 0.5

But I have found some sources who swear by portland cement, others who curse it. And some who say thay have cast their whole kiln, and others who say its not suitable for arches. Has anyone out their used a castable refratory to build a kiln, and with what results?

Candy murguia.

Refractarios de moldeo para esmaltes a la sal[]

Para hornos de esmaltes a la soda.[2]

Refractarios sólidos para el interior:

Hot Face - has some shrinkage as it dries, but tends to expand when kiln is fired.* (1 inch thick)

Esta mezcla es muy resistente al deterioro producido por el vapor del esmalte, pero la cara interior caliente y las capas de aislamiento tienden a despeguen en algunas zonas. Para evitarlo se puede agregar 1 parte de cemento portland. La primera cocción debe ser muy lenta.

Ladrillos aislantes de moldeo: (4 inches thick)

  • Kyanite 4 parts
  • Ball Clay OM4 4 parts
  • Fireclay 2 part
  • Portland Cement 2 part
  • Sawdust 5 parts
  • P-Grog 4 parts

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