Contractile vacuole - Convent
- Contractile vacuole
- Contradiction, Principle of
- Contrafagotto
- Contralto
- Contrapuntal forms
- Contrexéville
- Control
- Contumacy
- Conundrum
- Convent
Conway, Moncure Daniel - Conway, Sir William Martin
- Conway, Moncure Daniel
- Conway, Sir William Martin
- Cook, Edward Dutton
- Cooper, Abraham
- Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper, Thomas (bishop) - Cooper, Thomas (writer)
- Cooper, Thomas (bishop)
- Cooper, Thomas (educationalist)
- Cooper, Thomas (writer)
Co-operation - Cooper Union
- Co-operation
- Cooperstown
- Cooper Union
Copenhagen - Copiapó
- Copenhagen
- Copernicus, Nicolaus
- Copiapó
Copley, John Singleton - Coppée, Henry
- Copley, John Singleton
- Coppée, François Édouard Joachim
- Coppée, Henry
Coracle - Corbridge
- Coracle
- Coraës, Adamantios
- Coral
- Corallian
- Coral-reefs
- Coram, Thomas
- Cor anglais
- Corato
- Corban
- Corbeil, William of
- Corbeil
- Corbel
- Corbet, Richard
- Corbie
- Corbridge
Cornelia - Cornet
- Cornelia
- Cornelius
- Cornelius, Carl August Peter
- Cornelius, Peter von
- Cornell University
- Cornet
- Corridor
- Corrie
- Corrientes (province)
- Corrientes (city)
Corvey - Corwin, Thomas
- Corvey
- Corvinus, János
- Corvus, Marcus Valerius
- Corwen
- Corwin, Thomas
Cotta - Cottbus
- Cotta
- Cotta, Bernhard von
- Cotta, Gaius Aurelius
- Cottabus
- Cottbus
- Cousin, Victor
- Couture, Thomas
Coxswain - Coyote
- Coxswain
- Coxwell, Henry Tracey
- Coyote
Craddock, Charles Egbert - Crag
- Craddock, Charles Egbert
- Cradle
- Cradock
- Craft
- Crag
- Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa
Crawford, Francis Marion - Crawford, Thomas
- Crawford, Francis Marion
- Crawford, Thomas
Crefeld - Crell, Nicholas
- Crefeld
- Creighton, Mandell
- Creil
- Crell, Nicholas
- Crewe, Robert ... Crewe-Milnes, 1st Earl of
- Cribbage
Crocidolite - Crockford, William
- Crocidolite
- Crocket
- Crockett, David
- Crockett, Samuel Rutherford
- Crockford, William
Cromorne - Crompton, Samuel
- Cromorne
- Crompton, Samuel
Crousaz, Jean Pierre de - Crown
- Crousaz, Jean Pierre de
- Crow
- Crowberry
- Crowd
- Crowe, Eyre Evans
- Crowe, Sir Joseph Archer
- Crow Indians
- Crowland
- Crowley, Robert
- Crown
Cuenca (Ecuador) - Cuff
- Cuenca (Ecuador)
- Cuenca (province)
- Cuenca (town)
- Cuesta
- Cuevas de Vera
- Cuff
Cullen - Culloden
- Cullen
- Cullera
- Cullinan
- Culloden
- Cunitz, Maria
- Curtis, George William
Cushing, Caleb - Custer, George Armstrong
- Cushing, Caleb
- Cushing, William Barker
- Cushion
- Cushman, Charlotte Saunders
- Cusp
- Custard Apple
- Custer, George Armstrong
- Custine, Adam Philippe
Cyclostyle - Cyperaceae
- Cyclostyle
- Cygnus
- Cylinder
- Cyllene
- Cyma
- Cymbals
- Cynegils
- Cynewulf (king)
- Cynewulf (poet)
- Cynics
- Cynosure
- Cyperaceae
- Dacca
- Dahl, Hans
- Dalhousie, James Andrew Broun Ramsay
- Dana, Francis
- Dance
Darwin, Charles Robert - Darwin, Erasmus
- Darwin, Charles Robert
- Darwin, Erasmus
Davy, Sir Humphry - Dawes, Henry Laurens
- Davy, Sir Humphry
- Dawari
- Dawes, Henry Laurens
- Death
- Defoe, Daniel
- Delbrück, Hans
- Delbrück, Martin Friedrich Rudolf von