- Manchuria
- Mancini, Pasquale Stanislao
- Manciple
- Mancunium
- Mandaeans
- Mandalay
- Mandamus, Writ of
- Mandan
- Mandarin
- Mandasor
- Mandate
- Mandaue
- Mandelic Acid
- Mander, Carel van
- Mandeville, Bernard de
- Mandeville, Geoffrey de
- Mandeville, Jehan de
- Mandhata
- Mandi
- Mandingo
- Mandla
- Mandoline
- Mandrake
- Mandrill
- Mandu
- Manduria
- Mandvi
- Manes
- Manet, Édouard
- Maneteneris
- Manetho
- Manfred
- Manfredonia
- Mangabey
- Mangalia
- Mangalore
- Mangan, James Clarence
- Manganese
- Manganite
- Mangbettu
- Mangel-Wurzel
- Mangle
- Mang Lön
- Mangnall, Richmal
- Mango
- Mangosteen
- Mangrove
- Manichaeism
- Manifest
- Manihiki
- Manikiala
- Manila
- Manila Hemp
- Manilius
- Manilius, Gaius
- Manin, Daniele
- Maning, Frederick Edward
- Maniple
- Manipur
- Manisa
- Manistee
- Manitoba (lake)
- Manitoba
- Manitou
- Manitowoc
- Manizales
- Mankato
- Manley, Mary de la Riviere
- Manlius
- Mann, Horace
- Manna
- Manners, Charles
- Manners-Sutton, Charles
- Mannheim
- Manning, Henry Edward
- Manny, Sir Walter de Manny, Baron de
- Mannyng, Robert
- Manœuvres, Military
- Manometer
- Manor
- Manor-House
- Manresa
- Manrique, Gómez
- Manrique, Jorge
- Manse
- Mansel, Henry Longueville
- Mansfeld
- Mansfeld, Ernst, Graf von
- Mansfield, Richard
- Mansfield, William Murray, 1st Earl of
- Mansfield
- Mansfield (Ohio)
- Mansion
- Manslaughter
- Manson, George
- Manṣūr
- Mansura
- Mant, Richard
- Mantegazza, Paolo
- Mantegna, Andrea