Cerámica Wiki


I. Type.—Headings printed in bold Clarendon type (e.g. ALEPPO represent article headings in the Encyclopædia, and the first reference under every such heading is to the article in question.

All references show (1) the volume in bold Clarendon figures; (2) the page in light face type; (3) the exact quarter of the page by means of the letters a, b, c, d, signifying respectively the upper and lower halves of the first and second columns, e.g. A (letter) 1-1a. In geographical references these letters are replaced by an indication of the map square in the usual form, e.g. "(B4)."

A rule or dash (—) denotes the repetition of the preceding heading, or of its first separate word. Hyphened words are treated as single words. Headings in italic type denote books, newspapers, or periodicals. Quotation marks are used for pictures, ships, statues, race horses and separate poems or musical compositions.

II. Alphabetization.—All titles, whether consisting of a single word or of more than one, and if of more, whether hyphened or not, are treated for the purpose of alphabetization as single complete headings. In the majority of cases the same rule applies to inverted headings. Surnames followed by Christian names and geographical headings like "Wycombe, High" are exceptions. An epithet or phrase in parentheses is not treated as part of the heading for alphabetical purposes except in a series of identical headings (see Preface, p. vii.).

Where the same name denotes human beings, places and objects, the order is (1) persons, (2) places, (3) things.

The prefixes "Mc" and "m`" are alphabetized as "Mac"; "ST" is treated as "Saint," "S.S." as saints.

III. Geographical Headings.—The names of towns and villages are followed by the abbreviation for the country to which they belong. For this purpose English counties and the states of the United States rank as countries. All other topographical headings are described as "riv.," "mt.," &c. In cases like "Big Mountain," "Big River," denoting physical features the arrangement is

  • Big,mt.
  • —, riv.

Such a heading as "Big Mountain, Utah" would therefore denote a town not a mountain. In the names of American counties, e.g. Madison Co., the word Co. is treated as part of the heading.

IV. Abbreviations.—The following list includes general contractions adopted for the purpose of this Index. The contractions usual in special branches of knowledge are included in the Index itself and in the article Abbreviation (vol. i. page 27).


Aby. abyssinia
Aeg.S. Agean Sea
Af. Africa
Afg. Afghanistan
Af.Rom. Roman Africa
agri. agriculture
Ala. Alabama
Alban. Albania
Alg. Algeria
Alsk. Alaska
Als.-Lor. Alsace-Lorraine
Alta. Alberta
anat. anatomy
And.Is. Andaman Islands
Ang. Angola
Antarc. South Polar Regions
Arab. Arabia
arch. architecture
archae. archaeology
archip. archipelago
Arct. North Polar Regions
Arg. Argentina
Ariz. Arizona
Ark. Arkansas
Arm. Armenia
Ash. Ashanti
Asia.M. Asia Minor
Assin. Assiniboia
astron. astronomy
Athab. Athabasca
Atl.O. Atlantic Ocean
Aus. Austria (including Bohemia)
Austr. Australia
Az. Azores
Babyl. Babylonia
Bah. Bahamas
Bal. Baluchistan
Bal.Is. Balearic Islands
Basu. Basutoland
Bav. Bavaria
B.C. British Columbia
Bech. Bechuanaland
Beds. Bedfordshire
Bel.Cong. Belgian Congo (including Congo Free State)
Belg. Belgium
Ber. Bermudas
Berks. Berkshire
bibl. biblical
biol. biology
Bol. Bolivia
Bor. Borneo
Bosn. Bosnia
bot. botany
Braz. Brazil
Br.E.Af. British East Africa
Brit. Britain
Brit.Gui. British Guiana
Bucks. Buckinghamshire
Bulg. Bulgaria
Bur. Burma
C.Af. Central Africa
Cal. California
C.Am. Central America
Cambs. Cambridgeshire
Camor. Cameroon
Can. Canada
Can.Is. Canary Islands
Cape.Col. Cape Colony
Cauc. Caucasia or Caucasus
Cey. Ceylon
chan. channel
Chan.Is. Channel Islands
chem. chemistry
Ches. Cheshire
Chil. Chile
chron. Chronology
co. county
Colo. Colorado
Colom. Colombia
Conn. Connecticut
Corn. Cornwall
Cors. Corsica
C.R. Costa Rica
Croat.Slav. Crotia Slavonia
crystall. crystallography
Cu. Cuba
Cumb. Cumberland
C.Verd.Is. Cape Verde Islands
d. daughter
Dah Dahomcy
Dalm. Dalmatia
D.C. Columbia, District of
Del. Delaware
Den. Denmark
dept. department
Dev. Devonshire
D.Gui. Dutch Guiana
dict. dictionary heading
dist. district
div. division
D.N.Guin. Dutch New Guinea
Dorset. Dorsetshire
Dur. Durham
E.Af. East Africa
Ec. Ecuador
eccl. ecclesiastical
econ. economics
Egy. Egypt
elec. electricity
embryol. embryology
Eng. England
engin. engineering
Ep. Epirus
Erit. Eritrea
Ess. Essex
est. estuary
ethnol. ethnology
Eur. Europe
Falk.Is. Falkland Islands
Fin. Finland
Fla. Florida
For. Formosa
Fr. France
Fr.Gui. French Guiana
Fr.I.C. French Indo-China
Fr.W.Af. French West Africa
Ga. Georgia
Gam. Gambia
geog. geography
geol. geology
Ger. Germany
Ger.E.Af. German East Africa
Ger.S.W.Af. German S.W.Africa
Glos. Gloucestershire
GoCst. Gold Coast
govt. government
Gr. Greece
Green. Greenland
Guat. Guatemala
Guin. Guinea
Hai. Haiti
Hants. Hampshire
harb. harbour
Haw. Hawaii
her. heraldry
Hereford. Herefordshire
Herts. Hertfrodshire
Herz. Herzegovina
Holl. Holland
Hond. Honduras
hort. horticulture
Hung. Hungary
Hunts. Huntingdonshire
I. Island
Ia. Iowa
Ice. Iceland
Ida. Idaho
Ill. Illinois
Ind. Indiana
Ind.O. Indian Ocean
I.of.M. Isle of Man
Ire. Ireland
Is. Islands
isl. island
isls. islands
isth. isthmus
It. Italy
Iv.Cst. Ivory Coast
Jam. Jamaica
Jap. Japan
Jav. Java
Kan. Kansas
Kor. Korea
Ky. Kentucky
La. Louisiana
Lab. Labrador
Lac.Is. Laccadive Islands
Lag. Lagos
Lancs. Lancashire
Leics. Leicestershire
Lib. Liberia
Lib.Des. Libyan Dessert
Lincs. Lincolnshire
lit. literature
Lond. London
Luxem. Luxemburg
Lyc. Lycia
m. married
Maced. Macedonia
Mack. Mackenzie
Mad. Madagascar
Mad.Is. Madeira Islands
Mal.Arch. Malay Archipelago
Mal.Penin. Malay Peninsula
Man. Manitoba
Mass. Massachusetts
math. mathematics
Maur. Mauritius
Md. Maryland
Mdx. Middlesex
Me. Maine
mech. mechanics
med. medicine
Medit. Mediterranean
Mesop. Mesopotamia
metall. metallurgy
meteorol. meteorology
Mex. Mexico
Mich. Michigan
min. mineralogy
Minn. Minnesota
Miss. Mississippi
Mo. Missouri
Monm. Monmouthshire
Mont. Montana
Monten. Montenegro
Mor. Morocco
mt. mount
mts. mountains
mus. music
myth. mythology
N.Af. North Africa
N.Am. North America
N.Br. New Brunswick
N.C. North Carolina
N.Dak. North Dakota
N.E.Af. North-East Africa
Neb. Nebraska
Nev. Nevada
Nfd. Newfoundland
N.G. New Guinea
N.H. New Hampshire
Nic. Nicaragua
Nig. Nigeria
N.J. New Jersey
N.Mex. New Mexico
Norf. Norfolk
Northants. Northamptonshire
Northumb. Northumberland
Notts. Nottinghamshire
N.S. Nova Scotia
N.S.W. New South Wales
Nub. Nubia
N.Y. New York
N.Z. New Zealand
O. Ohio
Okla. Oklahoma
Ont. Ontario
Areg. Oregon
Or.Fr.St. Orange Free State
Oxon. Oxfordshire
Pa. Pennsylvania
Pac.O. Pacific Ocean
Pal. Palestine
paleog. palaeography
Pan. Panama
Parag. Paraguay
path. pathology
penin. peninsula
Pers. Persia
petrol. petrology
philol. philology
philos. philosophy
phot. photography
phren. phrenology
phys. physics
physiol. physiology
P.Is. Phillipine Islands
plat. plateau
Port. Portugal
Port.E.Af. Portuguese E. Africa
Port.Guin. Portuguese Guinea
P.R. Porto Rico
prov. province
Prus. Prussia
pseud. pseudonym
pt. point
q. queen
Que. Quebec
Queens. Queensland
rel. religion
resid. residency
Rhod. Rhodesia
R.I. Rhode Island
riv. river
Rum. Rumania
Russ. Russia
Russ.As. Russia in Asia
Rutl. Rutland
S.Af. South Africa
Sah. Sahara
Salop. Shropshire
Salv Salvador
S.Am. South America
Sard. Sardinia
Sask. Saskatchewan
S.Aus. South Australia
Sax. Saxony
S.C. South Carolina
Scot. Scotland
sd. sound
S.Dak. South Dakota
Sen. Senegal
Serv. Servia
Sib. siberia
Sic. Sicily
S.L. Sierra Leone
sociol. sociology
Som. Somersetshire
Somlnd. Somaliland
Sp. Spain
Staffs. Staffordshire
str. strait
Sud. Sudan
Suff. Suffolk
Sum. Sumatra
Sur. Surrey
Sus. Sussex
Swaz. Swaziland
Swed. Sweden
Switz. Switzerland
Syr. Syria
Tas. Tasmania
Tenn. Tennessee
Tex. Texas
Tib. Tibet
Togo. Gogoland
Trans. Transvaal
Transyl. Transylvania
Trip. Tripoli
Tun. Tunisia
Turk. Turkey
Turk.As. Turkey in Asia
Turkest. Turkestan
typig. typography
Ugan. Uganda
U.K> United Kingdom
Urug. Uruguay
U.S. United States
U.Sen. Upper Senegal
Va. Virginia
Venez. Venezuela
Vet. veterinary
Vict. Victoria
Vil. vilayet
Vt. Vermont
W.Af. West Africa
Warwick. Warwickshire
Wash. Washington
W.Aus. Western Australia
Westm. Westmorland
W.I. West Indies
Wilts. Wiltshire
Wis. Wisconsin
Worcs. Worcestershire
W.Va. West Virginia
Wyo. Wyoming
Yorks. Yorkshire
Yuc. Yucatan
Zanz. Zanzibar
zool. zoology
Zu. Zululand