Cerámica Wiki
Cerámica Wiki

I. Anthropology and Ethnology

II. Archaeology and Antiquities

III. Art

1. General
2. Architecture
3. Music
4. Painting and engraving
5. Sculpture
6. Minor arts
7. Stage and dancing

IV. Astronomy

V. Biology

1. General
2. Botany
(a) General
(b) Systemic
(c) Natural History
3. Zoology (for Anatomy and Physiology see under Medical Science)
(a) General
(b) Systemic
(1) Invertebra
(2) Vertebra
(c) Natural History
(1) Mammals (for Farm Animals see under Industries § Agriculture)
(2) Birds
(3) Fishes
(4) Insects
(5) Reptiles
(6) Batrachians
(7) Other Invertebra
(d) Palaentology
4. Biographies

VI. Chemistry

1. General
2. Inorganic
3. Organic
4. Biographies

VII. Economics and Social Science

1. General
2. Finance and Currency
3. Biographies

VIII. Education (see also articles on countries § Education)

IX. Engineering

1. General
2. Building
3. Locomotion
4. Shipping
5. Mining and metallurgy
6. Biographies

X. Geography

1. General subjects and cartography
2. Physical features and oceanography
3. Meteorology
4. Europe (continental)
(a) Physical features
(b) Countries (with divisions and towns)
(1) General list
(2) Austria-Hungary
(3) Belgium
(4) Bulgaria
(5) Denmark
(6) France
(7) Germany
(8) Greece
(9) Holland
(10) Italy
(11) Luxemberg, Grand Duchy of
(12) Mediterranean Islands, &c.
(13) Montenegro
(14) Norway
(15) Portugal
(16) Rumania
(17) Russia in Europe
(18) Servia
(19) Spain
(20) Sweden
(21) Switzerland
(22) Turkey in Europe
(23) Ancient geography
5. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
(a) Physical features
(b) Divisions and Towns
(1) England and Wales
(2) Scotland
(3) Ireland
(4) Britain and Ireland, ancient
6. Asia
(a) Physical features
(b) Countries (with divisions and towns)
(1) General list
(2) Afghanistan
(3) Baluchistan
(4) Burma
(5) Ceylon
(6) Chinese Empire
(7) India (with lesser Frontier States)
(8) Indo-China, French
(9) Japan
(10) Korea
(11) Malay Archipelago
(12) Persia
(13) Russia in Asia
(14) Siam
(15) Turkey in Asia
(16) Ancient Geography
7. Africa
(a) Physical features
(b) Countries (with divisions and towns)
(1) General list
(2) Abysinia
(3) Algeria
(4) East Africa (Eritrea to Portugese E. Africa)
(5) Egypt
(6) Morocco
(7) South Africa (British)
(8) Sudan
(9) Tripoli and Tunisia
(10) West Africa (French E. Africa to German S. W. Africa)
(11) Ancient Geography
8. America
(a) Physical features
(b) Countries, general list
(c) Canada and Newfoundland
(d) United States
(1) States
(2) Towns
(e) Central America, Mexico and West Indies
(1) British Honduras
(2) Costa Rica
(3) Guatamala
(4) Honduras
(5) Mexico
(6) Nicaragua
(7) Panama
(8) Salvador
(9) West Indies
(f) South America
(1) Argentina
(2) Bolivia
(3) Brazil
(4) Chile
(5) Colombia
(6) Equador
(7) Guiana
(8) Paraguay
(9) Peru
(10) Uraguay
(11) Venezuala
9. Australasia
(a) Physical Features
(b) Australia
(c) New Zealand
10. Oceans, Seas and Oceanic Islands
(a) General List
(b) Atlantic Ocean
(c) Indian Ocean
(d) Pacific Ocean
(e) Polar regions
11. Biographies

XI. Geology

1. General
2. Stratigraphy
3. Mineralogy and Crystallography
4. Petrology
5. Biographies

XII. History (for Historians see under Literature)

1. General
2. Heraldry, Titles and Offices
3. Europe
(a) General
(b) Wars
(c) Battles
(d) Austria Hungary
(e) Balkan Peninsula
(f) France
(g) Franks
(h) Germany
(i) Greece
(j) Holy Roman Empire
(k) Italy
(l) Macedonia
(m) Netherlands
(n) Papacy
(o) Poland
(p) Portugal
(q) Rome (to A. D. 476)
(r) Roman Empire, Later
(s) Rumania
(t) Russia
(u) Scandanavia
(v) Sicily
(w) Spain
(x) Switzerland
(y) Turkey
(z) United Kingdom
4. Asia
(a) General subjects
(b) General biographies
(c) Asia minor
(d) Babylonia and Assyria
(e) Caliphate (eastern)
(f) China
(g) Crusades
(h) India (with Afghanistan)
(i) Japan
(j) Jews (see further under§ Hebrew, and Relgion § Bible)
(k) Macedonian Empire
(l) Persia
5. Africa
(a) General subjects
(b) General biographies
(c) Africa, ancient
(d) Egypt
(e) South Africa
6. America
(a) General subjects
(b) General biographies
(c) Canada
(d) United States
7. Australasia

XIII. Industries, Manufactues and Occupations

1. General
2. Textiles
3. Agriculture (for Crops see Botany)
4. Foods and Beverages
5. Occupations
6. Biographies

XIV. Language and Writing

XV. Law and Political Science

1. Law
2. Crime and Punishment
3. Biographies

XVI. Literature

1. General
2. Arabia
3. Austria-Hungary
4. Belium and Flanders
5. British Empire
6. Classical
(a) Subjects
(b) Biographies
(1) Greek
(2) Byzantine
(3) Latin
(4) Classical scholars
7. Denmark
8. France
9. Germany
10. Hebrew, Armenian and Syriac
11. Holland
12. Iceland
13. India
14. Italy
15. Norway
16. Persia
17. Poland
18. Portugal
19. Russia
20. Spain
21. Sweden
22. Switzerland
23. United States
24. Miscellaneous

XVII. Mathematics

XVIII. Medical Science

1. General
2. Anatomy and Physiology
3. Pathology, Therapeutics and Surgery
4. Pharmacology
5. Public Health
6. Veterinary Science
7. Biographies

XIX. Military and Naval

XX. Pholosophy and Psychology

XXI. Physics

1. General
2. Sound
3. Light
4. Heat
5. Magnetism
6. Electricity
7. Weights and Measures
8. Biographies

XXII. Religion and Philosophy

1. (a) General
(b) Doctrines and Terms
2. History of Christianity
(a) Church History to the Council of Trent
(1) General
(2) Heresies
(3) Saints
(4) Christian Documents
(5) Religious Orders
(6) Biographies
(b) Roman Catholic Church
(1) Subjects
(2) Biographies
(c) Eastern Churches
(1) Subjects
(2) Biographies
(d) Reformation
(1) Subjects
(2) Biographies
(e) Church of England
(1) Subjects
(2) Biographies
(f) Modern Continental Churches (Reformed)
(1) Subjects
(2) Biographies
(g) Free Churches (British Empire and U. S.) including Established Church of Scotland)
(1) Subjects
(2) Biographies
(h) Ecclesiastical Offices
(i) Ecclesiology (Liturgy, Ritual and Vestments)
(j) Ecclesiatical Seasons
3. Bible and Biblical Criticism
(a) Subjects (including Biblical personages)
(b) Biographies of critics
4. Judaism
5. Mahommedan Religion
6. Comparative Religion and Folklore
(a) General
(b) Greek and Roman
(c) Asia, Asia Minor and Egypt
(d) European and American

XXIII. Sports and Pastimes

XXIV. Miscellaneous

1. Chronology
2. Costume and Toilet
3. Manners and Customs
4. Names